R O S T E R S:

BBP Worship and Fellowship Combined Ministries - October 2024 Sundays @ 10.00am


October 2024

06 October 13 October 20 October 27 October
Sunday 27
healing service
Sunday 28
(Sean at Glenfield)
Sunday 29
Sunday 30
Old Testament (lectionary) Psalm 22:1-15 Ps 104:1-9,25,36b Ps 34:1-8,(19-22)
Epistle (lectionary) James 5:13-20 Heb 4:12-16 Heb 5:1-10 Heb 7:23-28
Gospel (lectionary) Mark 10:17-31 Mark 10:35-45 Mark 10:46-52
Elder Mikyung Kim Val English Iona Alcock Sean Cloete
Preacher Sean Cloete Robin Palmer Robin Palmer Robin Palmer
Call to Worship Sean Cloete Robin Palmer Robin Palmer Robin Palmer
Song Leader Richard Williamson Robin Palmer Dave Sheppard Richard Williamson
Opening Prayer Richard Williamson Robin Palmer Dave Sheppard Richard Williamson
Electiric Piano Alex Rodgers Alex Rodgers Willie Jacobs Willie Jacobs
Accoustic Piano Willie Jacobs Willie Jacobs

Guitars Richard, Robert Dave, Richard Dave, Robert Richard, Dave
Bass Guitar Rafael Araújo Rafael Araújo Rafael Araújo Rafael Araújo
Prayers of Intercession Mikyung Kim Val English Iona Alcock Sean Cloete
Bible Readers Carol Duske Jeanna Sheppard Helen Reid Rafael Araújo
AV Estelle Seaman Charmaine Ashburner Estelle Seaman Estelle Seaman
Sound Bruce Duske Bruce Duske Bruce Duske Bruce Duske
Communion elder

Mikyung Kim
Greeting and Welcome Lynn Cooze Alison Bramley Jeanna Sheppard Jill Rodgers
Morning Tea Mikyung Kim & Jeanette and Val English & Doug & Ruth

Jill Rogers Nigel Price Janet Lam Astley

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recoded November 2019
