Repair, Restoration & Renovation @BBP!

Welcome to Browns Bay Presbyterian

Sunday Mornings
YouTube & @BBP

Services are held here at Anzac Rd & are streamed live to YouTube.



For counselling and support or other church enquiries contact Robin Palmer.

Prayer requests can be sent to office for the church prayer groups to pray for you.

We will continue to pray that all in our community will cope with this new way of life, and be able to find new ways of being a faith community. We can do this!

Every blessing,


We're glad you're here! We hope you will find all you need to know about Browns Bay Presbyterian.
      With Gods help we can get through this.

We are a community church comprised of people of all ages and various cultures. Our desire is to help people find and follow Jesus. This means we are discovering what it means to love God, love one another and love the community around about us.

You'll find more information about us from the links on the menu on the left.

From the Pastor’s pen:

Welcome to BBP Family Church’s weekly newsletter.
Prayer is available daily through the prayer chain and email list.

If you click on Readings and Vids for each week’s readings are in English or Korean/English parallel when you click on the Reference, Footnotes link.

Newsletters are sent out by email. To get these and other news you can send your email address to: We’d love you to stay connected.

20 October 2024

I encourage you to join one. Speak to Dave, Val or Rob.

I love the honesty of the biblical accounts of Jesus’ ministry. (I like the openness of the whole bible really. No political spin doctors!) Jesus was a teacher in the usual rabbinical tradition. A kind of school teacher on the move with his class following behind, listening, watching, and learning. They knew something big was happening. They didn’t yet understand Jesus’ plan, but they knew he had power. Power to heal and transform lives. Apart from that, who wouldn’t like a teacher who could take a boy’s small lunch and feed 5000 men plus their families?

Last week we heard about a wealthy law-abiding young man who came up to Jesus with a question. The answer he took home that day was not what he’d hoped for, I suspect. The disciples may well have heard Jesus teach about requests like “ask, and you will receive.” So they test him like children sometimes test their parents. James and John, the sons of Zebedee, come to him with their request: ‘Teacher,’ they said, ‘we want you to do for us whatever we ask.’ ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ he asks. You’ve read their answer. When he becomes king (”at your glory”) not only do they want to feel important, or be Jesus’ right hand man; they’d both like a position of power. They get a fresh lesson from their teacher about the tough road ahead. Are they up to it? Yes, they say. So that’s what will happen then: the cup and the baptism will be challenging in the extreme. He goes on to tell them that it’s not his job to allocate those important seats. They are places prepared for others. The rest of the disciples are indignant when they hear about this request. No doubt they thought the “sons of thunder” were trying to steal their thunder! More lessons follow about being first or last, great or humble. I wonder how that was received? I suspect that if they had had access to the letter to the Hebrews, they would have been further horrified and perplexed about the description of Jesus in chapter 5. Have a look at the verses included here today. His painful cup of suffering.

On another matter, the Healing Service on Sunday evening is worth going to. They have a lovely, prayerful ministry team.



Recorded Services and Resources are here on our website.

On the menu on the left side of the screen you can click on
Readings & Vids to find each week's readings in English or Korean/English parallel. Previous services and readings are also found there. There are pages with each week’s newsletter, rosters and various other resources On the Browns Bay Presbyterian website. See for written sermon texts.


‘And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory,
glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth’ (1:14)

GREAT NEWS:- Messy Church

Messy Church has arrived! Come and Join us for Church with a Difference. First Friday of the Month! for information click here.


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recoded November 2019
